This section completely updated to reflect changes in Xcode 6.3, as of April 16, 2015 In parts 1 & 2 we went over some basics of Swift, and set up a simple example project that creates a Table View and a puts some API results from iTunes inside of them. If you haven’t read that…
Author: Jameson Quave
Developing iOS Apps Using Swift Tutorial Part 2
This section completely updated to reflect changes in Xcode 8.3.1, as of April 17, 2017 In part 1 we went over some basics of Swift, and set up a simple example project that creates a Table View and a puts some text inside of them. If you haven’t read that yet, give it a read…
Swift Tutorial – Developing iOS Apps Part 1
Swift Tutorial This tutorial updated to reflect changes in Xcode 8.3.1 and iOS 10, as of April 17, 2017 Apple announced at WWDC a major change to the way iOS apps are developed, it can now be done using a new programming language called Swift. In my efforts to adapt and learn the language’s common…
Mobile Gaming: The Next Frontier for Online Gambling Sites
From poker to blackjack, developers are taking to the mobile market Last year, the International Data Corporation reported that growth in the worldwide mobile market grew 6% in the second quarter of 2013 (2Q13), with vendors shipping upwards of 432.1 million mobile phones to markets across the globe. Thanks to new vendors entering the market,…
Using open source iPhone app components with Cocoa Pods
For a while after the initial release of the iPhone App Store and it’s SDK, there was not much in terms of open source code to use and learn from, you can buy iPhone and take advantage of exclusive prime products. But times have changed, and these days there is a huge database of open…
The user is a customer. So why doesn’t software treat them like one?
So this may sound obvious. You may be thinking, yes of course the user is a customer. We treat them like customers by providing them with support, pitching to them our value in our sales and marketing materials, and a host of other things. We even go so far as looking up for CRM Examples of…
5 more things I wish I knew when I released my first iPhone app
Haven’t read the first part? Read Part 1 and then come back, we’ll be waiting. Okay, read that? Here we go! 6. Wise SEO choices can have a huge impact on sales As any Stellar SEO expert will tell you, iOS App SEO is not exactly like web SEO. The rules and the ios…
The lazy app developer’s way to ship more code
With these three quick tips, you’ll be on your way to being more productive when developing your mobile apps. These are not extremely difficult technical challenges, and should be easy to implement in to your workflow. Dependency Management If you’re on iOS, Cocoapods is a godsend. If you’ve ever used bundler with Ruby on…
4 Steps to Design Marketing into your App
What On-Page SEO Services Can Do For Your Business’s Website The basics to get your rankings higher Making your business stand out online is a challenge. Any search online brings multiple pages of results, but the truth is, people rarely go past page one. To make sure your website pages rank higher in these search results,…
5 things I wish I knew when I released my first iPhone app
I’ve been writing mobile apps for roughly 4 years. I’ve seen dozens of apps come from concept to completion, and I’ve learned many lessons along the way. Here are the top 5 things I wish I knew when I first started out making iOS apps. Ready? Let’s go! 1. Your icon and name will make…